It’s undeniable that most people would want to kick back and relax after a hard day’s work. After all, the daily rigors of working for a living most certainly drain a great deal of energy, and people would want to refresh themselves for the next day. To that end, one of the most common things for them to do is visit a spa. A WebMD feature article discusses the value of a spa treatment for tired workers:
“Going to a spa is a way of getting taken care of that is psychologically and culturally acceptable — and we can carry that feeling of being cared for with us for a period of time, and very often that can help us cope better with stress,” says NYU professor of psychiatry Virginia Sadock, MD.
Moreover, she says, most spa treatments involve being touched, a key element in helping us relax and feel better.
And at least some studies show that these benefits can translate into better health. In one study of more than 3,300 Japanese government workers, frequency of spa use was linked to better physical and mental health, including better quality sleep and fewer sick days.
Although spa treatments are definitely beneficial, they can add to the rising expenses that the majority of Americans face today, thus leaving less for other things that need more attention. Consequently, it may be ideal for people to invest in home-based treatments, such as relaxing Albuquerque hot tubs, to eliminate the cost of visiting a spa.
As one of the easiest therapies to follow, soaking in hot tubs with 100 to 103 °F water usually creates a restful, soothing atmosphere. The jets and streams in the water help loosen the muscles and open up the blood vessels for better circulation; meanwhile, the massaging effect in the water aids in enhancing the muscle’s range of motion and relieves the pain and stiffness of sore joints and muscles. In addition, dipping in warm water can firm the skin and facilitates the elimination of toxins from the body.
The time-revered pleasure of soaking in hot tubs in Albuquerque can be made more delightful by setting the mood through aromatherapy bath oils, candles, and salts to change the feel of the water and stimulate the senses. It’s all about making a private sanctuary where one can switch off, retreat, and forget the worries of the world.
(Source: Spas: The Risks and Benefits, WebMD, 22 June 2007)
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